Greta Ayto


Covid-19 highlighted existing issues such as isolation and poor access to mental health services in rural communities, creating a desire, and need, for community engagement projects that promoted connection with others and positive mental wellbeing.

One example of this was in Germoe, the village where Arts, Health and Wellbeing practitioner, Greta Ayto, grew up in Cornwall. Responding to a call out by Germoe Village Association post-pandemic which highlighted a need for community engagement projects in the area, Kuntel/Gather (‘Kuntel’ being the Cornish word for Gather) was a 3-week remote participatory project which invited residents of the village and the St. Germoe Church congregation to gather, share, celebrate, learn and connect in a post-pandemic world through the creation of a concertina sketchbook and tin embossing (inspired by the use of “hot marks”:  tin signs used in tin mining) representing their ‘most meaningful place in the village’.

These responses, as well as data collected via an anonymous questionnaire and group interview were used by Greta to create a digitally printed community ‘map’ banner, and accompanying booklet in which poetry and digital collage were used as methodologies to communicate and present the 12 participants’ artwork and creative writing.

The final outcomes (booklet and banner) are displayed in St. Germoe Church.

Website ⟶ Booklet ⟶ Facebook ⟶ Instagram ⟶




Participant work


Aimee Spencer


Sarah Grove-White